I've had a slew of recent city experiences that I could write about here: tasty lox at a Jewish deli on the Upper East Side, the off-Broadway play
Channeling Kevin Spacey at St. Luke's, mass at
St. Patrick's Cathedral, a hilarious improv show at the
Upright Citizens Brigade, oh, and the
Literary Death Match tomorrow night in which MY PROFESSOR is competing!!! And that's not even including the on-campus stuff like the production of Next to Normal, a relaxing retreat with my dorm, or
that time I met David Gibson.
This sucker kept us entertained until the wee hours of the morning.
Photo c/o googleimages |
But instead I'm going to write about my all-nighter with a fine English man. He goes by the name John Milton. (Perhaps you've read his poetry? He has quite a way with words, that Milton.) Indeed, last Monday, my Milton class, including Professor Frank Boyle, stayed up until 3:30 am reading
Paradise Lost from beginning to end. We started at 6 pm....... and only took ONE break as a group.
Pictured in the middle: the man who said, "Thou shalt read Milton!"
And we did, for a long time. But it's cool, because he gave us tons of free
sandwiches, coffee, and brownies, and now he's our favorite professor.
Photo by Michael Dames |
The truth is, any average Joe can eat lox and see shows and do fun NYC stuff anytime. But how many college students read
Paradise Lost straight through and are actually
excited about it? Nine students plus twelve books of poetry in ten hours equals one awesome class.
We are determined. We are steadfast. We are literary moguls. We are Fordham.